Work Queue

Manage your team more effectively and efficiently with Tech Tester. Give your technicians access to the accounts that they need, when they need it. Nothing more.

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Granular Team Management

Date-Based Access

Tech Tester’s work queues allow you to assign an account to a technician with a range of dates that they can access it. They cannot access the site outside of that timeframe.

Time-Based Access

Assign your techs with time-based app access. They will only be able to use the app within the hours that you set! Your account base is safe with Tech Tester!

Audit Logs

Detailed audit-logs let you see what your techs were accessing, any data changes being made, and when they were doing it. Transparency for the win!
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Want to know how it works?

Work queues are used to assign your techs the accounts that they will be servicing and will need access to Central Station data. They let you assign a time period that the tech can access the account information in the Tech Tester application, as well as communicate any service notes or instructions to them.

Search for a specific account or pick from your recently accessed accounts.

Choose 'Add to work queue'.

Assign a tech from your tech drop-down list.

Assign a time period, any notes you may have, and save!

When a technician opens their Work Queue on the Tech Tester app, the account shows up right in their list if they are in within the time period you assigned.

The technician is presented with the notes that have been added as well as the all of the account information that they need to do their job.

Frequently asked questions